Delhi Police recovered the battery from the blast site near the Israeli embassy. Officials confirmed to Network 18 that the battery parts were recovered this morning when cleaning was done at the scene. A senior Delhi Police official said that the battery was found to prove that the timer device was used for the blast. It was a deep conspiracy.
The sensation spread on Friday evening when a high-security area exploded in New Delhi. The blast was carried out very close to the Israeli embassy. The blast is believed to have been carried out targeting the embassy. The investigation has revealed that it was an IED blast. Israel has called it a terrorist attack. During the initial investigation, the police suspected that the bomb was thrown from the car. The explosion took place near the vase.
Since the receipt of the battery, the apprehension that the blast was carried out by the plan. The timing of the explosion was also well planned while plotting the explosion. Forensic investigations have revealed that the Explosive was used in the blast. Forensic investigation of the incident is being done. Initially, it was suspected that ammonium nitrate was used for the blast, but the forensic investigation has made the blast plot more dangerous.
According to police, the timing of the blast also exposes the suspicion of a deep conspiracy. At the time of the blast, the Beating Retreat was running nearby. The focus of the police was also on the safety of the Beating Retreat. The investigating agency is investigating the blast. The authorities are also eyeing the incident in Paris. Suspicious looking objects were recovered from the Israeli embassy complex in Paris.
Alert issued to all government buildings and airports after IED blast near Israeli embassy in Delhi
Earlier, Israeli embassies have been under simultaneous attacks in many countries. In 2012, there have been simultaneous attacks on Israeli embassies in Delhi, Georgia and Thailand. Iran’s hand was said to be behind these attacks. Two groups have claimed responsibility for the blasts on Friday on social media, but the investigating agencies suspect that it may be an attempt to mislead the investigation.
Investigation agencies have found some very important clues in CCTV cameras which are being investigated.
Afghanistan: 6 people killed, three injured in a roadside bomb blast in Ghor province
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